Jeff Konigsberg





These proposals are intended to present destruction and (re)construction as a metaphor for memory and future possibility. These interventions would impart dignity upon these chosen structures, and provide a worthy forum for introspection and imagination.

- For New Orleans

- For Shea Stadium


New Orleans
The concept is to selectively paint, with glowing phosphorescent paint, the exposed wood framing of both a house under construction, and a destroyed house.

Shea Stadium
The concept is to selectively paint, with glowing phosphorescent paint, the exposed steel framework of the stadium, or of the scoreboard framing. Then document over a series of nights the gradual decommissioning of these iconic and awkward structures.


The chosen structures, and the effect of the applied paint, would be viewed during the evening and overnight hours.

1) High powered spotlights on a timer would be directed for 1 minute upon the structure, this will 'charge up' the phosphorescent paint.

2) The lights would then be turned off for 15 minutes. The selectively painted structure will glow a greenish phosphorescent white.

3) The paint would then gradually loose its charge and fade, then the cycle would repeat.

4) After a few days of exhibition, construction/deconstruction of the chosen structure would resume, thus either gradually consuming the piece within it's exterior....or marking the stages of deconstruction.